Chocolate Mousse With Sesame Snaps

  240g Good quality dark chocolate, bashed
  75g Butter, cut into pieces
  350ml Heavy cream
  2lg Eggs, preferably organic
  2tb Scottish Heather honey
  1tb Scottish whiskey
  455g Caster sugar
  8tb Butter
  200g Sesame seeds

In a bowl over some gently simmering water, slowly melt the chocolate
and butter together then remove from the heat. In a separate bowl, whip
the cream to soft peaks.

In a third bowl, whisk the eggs and honey until light and fluffy then
fold in the whisky, melted chocolate mixture and cream, gently, so you
don't lose too much air. Pour into small chilled 4 or 6 wine glasses or
serving dishes and chill for at least an hour before serving.

Put your sugar and 8 tablespoons of water into a pan on medium heat.
Use a spoon to stir together, it will become a syrup.

Cook until light golden, then add the sesame seeds and continü to cook
until dark golden. Pour out the sesame seed caramel onto an oiled
non-stick tray or oiled tin foil.

Use a palette knife to push it out to about 1/2-inch (0.5 centimeters)
thick (even thinner if you can).

Allow to cool for about 15 minutes and you will have one big sesame
seed caramel biscuit. Bash it up as you like!

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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