Hot Chicken Wings

  1.125kg Chicken wings
   Oil for frying (optional)
  180g Tabasco
  0.5 Tasse/n Melted butter

Cut the chicken wings in two at the joints. In a large frying pan or
skillet; heat to 360F enough oil (or shortening) to cover the chicken
wings. Add the wings and fry until crisp, about 12-15 minutes. To bake,
preheat the oven to 450F. Spread the chicken wings out on a baking
sheet in one layer and bake 45 minutes. To make the sauce, combine the
Hot Sauce or Tabasco and melted butter and blend thoroughly. As soon as
the chicken wings are cooked, douse with the sauce, and serve
immediately. Serves 2-6 Nathalie Dupree's "New Southern Cooking"
Nathalie says, "These little wings make a good meal for two or are a
great appetizer. Up North, they are called Buffalo wings and are served
with celery and blue-cheese dressing.
The little wing tips should be trimmed off to make neater pieces.
But I cook them along with the wings and save them for myself. I call
them the "cook's treat." You may fry or bake the wings, depending on
dietary considerations.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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