Indian Style Rice

  180g Basmati rice
SPICE MIX: 3 Whole cloves; (up to 4)
  5 Zehen Garlic; peeled (up to 6)
  2 Cardamom; seeds of
  1ts Cumin seed
  2ts Coriander seeds
  1sm Peeled wedge of ginger; (1 inch)
  4ts Freshly cut and finely chopped coriander leaves
CASHEWS: 2tb Oil (ghee preferred); about
  120g Cashew nuts; about
  120g Shelled green peas
  120ml Water
CUMIN: 2tb Oil; (ghee preferred)
  1ts Black cumin seed

Take about 6 oz basmati rice wash it and soak it for about 30 minutes.

Make a paste of the spices in a blender with a little water.

3) In about 2 table spoons of oil (ghee preferred) over a saucepan fry
about 4 oz of cashew nuts till golden brown. Remove and keep aside. In
the same oil add the spice paste( step 2 above) and fry for about 1
minute . Add 4 ounces of shelled green peas and 4 fl. oz of water. Heat
the mixture lightly till the peas are tender.

4) In a separate sauce pan or if you are cooking in a vessel take 2
table spoons of oil(ghee preferred) and heat it. Add 1 tea spoon of
black cumin seed and fry till it starts turning black.

4) Now if you want to make the pullao in a electric rice cooker just
mix the rice and the water and paste and peas. Add slight salt for
seasoning and the black fried cumin seeds. Cook till done. Please do
not stir. Serve topped with coriander leaves and the fried cashew nuts.
In the alternative you can cook the dish in a vessel. in which the
black cumin seeds have been fried. Mix all ingredients in it and bring
the mix to a boil and let it cook till the water has evaporated. Serve
as above with a topping of coriander leaves and cashew nuts. Posted to
TNT - Prodigy's Recipe Exchange Newsletter by ANOOP SINGH NEGI
on Dec 5, 1997

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