Jalepeno-Cranberry Cookies

  2 Becher Mehl
  240g Frischkäse, weich
  1 Becher Butter, weich
  0.5 Becher Wasser
  0.5 Becher Weissweinessig
  3 Jalapeno Chilis; gehackt
  1.5 Becher Zucker
  360g Cranberries, frisch

Place flour in bowl of food processor. With processor running, drop in
chunks of the cream cheese and butter. Process until dough is formed.
(Alternatively, mix the cream cheese and butter in a large mixing bowl
by hand or with electric beater. Slowly blend in flour until dough is
formed.) Wrap dough in wax paper or plastic wrap.
Chill for at least one hour.

While the dough is freezing, make the cranberry mixture. Place the
water and vinegar in a 3-quart saucepan. Bring to a boil and let boil 5
minutes. Add the jalapeno peppers and the sugar. Return to a boil and
let boil 5 minutes. Mix in the cranberries. Return to a boil and let
boil 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and pour onto jelly roll pan.
Chill for at least one hour.

Dust work surface with confectioners' sugar. Working with a small chunk
of dough, roll dough to about 1/4" thick. Cut dough into 2" squares.
You can re-use the dough scraps. Place dough squares on cookie sheet
sprayed with vegetable oil spray (do not *grease* the pan or you'll
have a real mess!).

Put about 1 teaspoon cranberry-jalapeno relish in the center of each
dough square. Bring 2 corners of the dough-square up and seal well.
Bake 12 minutes at 350 degrees. If cookies unfold during baking, press
them back into shape while warm. Cool on rack. Dust lightly with
confectioners' sugar.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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