Lentils With Chilies, Pork, And Fruit - Lentejas En Adobo

Durchschnittliche Bewertung für Lentils With Chilies, Pork, And Fruit - Lentejas En Adobo

   Jim Vorheis
  225g (1 heaped cup) lentils, brown if available
  0.5sm White onion
   Sea salt to taste
   The pork:
  450g Boneless stewing pork, cut into 1-inch cubes
   Sea salt to taste
   The seasoning and final cooking:
  5sm Chilies anchos, cleaned of veins and seeds and
   Lightly toasted
  113g Tomatös, broiled
  1 Garlic clove, peeled and roughly chopped
  0.25ts Dried oregano, Mexican if possible
  1 Whole clove
  1.5 Inch cinnamon stick
  1tb Melted lard or safflower oil
  1md Plantain (about 8-oz), peeled and cut into
  0.25 Inch cubes
  2 Thick pineapple slices, peeled, cored, and cut into
   Small triangular wedges

The lentils: Run the lentils through your hands to make sure there
are no stones or other foreign bodies in them. Rinse them in two
changes of water and put into a pan. Add onion, salt to taste, and
enough water to come about 2 inches above the surface of the lentils.
Set over medium heat and bring to a fast simmer. Continü simmering
until the lentils are quite soft ~ about 3 hours, depending on their
age. Keep a pan of near-boiling water on the side, ready to add if

Put the pork pieces into a pan; add salt to taste and water to cover.
Bring to a fast simmer and continü simmering until the pork is tender
but not soft - about 25 minutes. Strain, reserving the broth, and set
broth and meat aside.

Cover the dried chilies with boiling water and leave to soak for about
15 minutes, until the chilies have softened and become fleshy.
Drain and put into a blender with 1 cup of the reserved pork broth, the
broiled tomatös, garlic, oregano, clove, and cinnamon; blend until
smooth, adding more broth only if needed to release the blades of the

Heat the lard in a small frying pan, add the blended ingredients, and
fry over medium heat, stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan,
until reduced and well seasoned - about 4 minutes. Add to the lentils
and add the pork, remaining broth, plantain, and pineapple; simmer
together for about 30 minutes. Adjust salt and add water if necessary.
The mixture should be like a thick soup.

The Art of Mexican Cooking From the collection of Jim Vorheis

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: 0.71 Stern(e)

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