Linguica Sausage

INGREDIENTS FOR 25 LBS.: 25 Pfund Pork butts, certified
  8 ounces Salt
  2 ounces Powdered dextrose
  1 ounce Pragü Powder No. 1
  3 ounces Fresh garlic
  4 ounces Wine or cider vinegar
  4 ounces Paprika
  0.25 ounce Ground black pepper
  0.5 ounce Marjoram
  2.5 Pfund Ice water
  12 ounces Soy protein concentrate
INGREDIENTS FOR 10 LBS: 10 Pfund Of pork butts, certified
  6tb Salt
  2tb Powdered dextrose
  2 Level tsp. Pragü Powder No. 1
  6lg Garlic cloves (evtl. mehr)
  1 ounce Wine or cider vinegar
  4tb Paprika
  1tb Ground black pepper
  1tb Marjoram
  1Gl Ice water
  2 Becher Soy protein concentrate or non-fat dry milk or non-fat dry milk


Dice or chop all the meat in 1/2" to 3/4" pieces andplace in the mixer.


After the meat has been placed into the mixer, add all the ingredients
except the water and wine or vinegar. Mix until all the ingredients are
evenly distributed. Place the meat into curing tubs and let stand in
cooler overnight. The next morning place the meat into a mixer and add
the water and vinegar (mix the vinegar with the water) and mix very
well. Remove to stuffer.


Stuff into 35-38mm hog casings and hang on smoke sticks. Allow the
sausage to air dry before placing in the smokehouse. After the sausage
is dry, place into cool smokehouse overnight at 100-110 degrees F. The
next morning raise the temperature to 130-135 degrees F. and hold this
temperature until; the sausage firms up. Remove sausage from smokehouse
and allow to hag at room temperature before placing into 40-45 degree
F. cooler overnight.


The USDA regulations class "linguisa" as an uncooked sausage. It is
therefore necessary to use certified frozen pork to manufacture this
product. The above outlined procedure dös not conform to government
regulations concerning the destruction of live trichinä.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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