Lisa's Favorite Jalapeno Sauce

  13 Green jalapeno chiles
  6 Dried figs, stems removed
   The juice of 1/3 lime
  6 Good size cloves of garlic
  2.5 Tbl chopped cilantro (packed, not loose)
  2.5ts Cumin
  3ts Full sharp Hungarian paprika (can subst ha half sweet paprika and cayenne)
  3.5 Tbl white vinegar
  1.5ts Salt
  1ts Turmeric
  1ts Soy sauce
  0.25c Chopped red onion
  1.25 Tasse/n Water
  1.75ts Arrowroot

Put the chiles, figs, garlic, lime juice, onion, and vinegar into a
food processor and run until the ingredients are finely chopped and
blended. Tranfer to a small sauce pan and add the remaining ingredients
except for the arrowroot and 1/4 C of the water. Simmer for 5 minutes.
Mix the arrowroot and reserved water until smooth, then add to the
pan. Turn up the heat while stirring to thicken the sauce (1 to 3 min).
Put the sauce into a jar to cool. Makes about 13 oz. of sauce.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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