Murgh Kesari Pakora

  8 Breasts of chicken (bone)
  480ml (2 cups) milk
  0.75 Gm (1 1/2 tsp) zaafraan (saffron)
  10 Gm (4 tsp) saunf (fennel seeds)
  6 Chotti elaichi (green cardamom)
  4 Lavang (cloves)
  2 Sticks daalcheeni (cinnamon) (1")
  2 Tej patta (bay leaf)
   Cooking oil to deep fry pakoras
   The batter
  50 Gm (1/4 cup) rice
  45 Gm (1 1/2 oz) riceflour
  30 Gm (1 oz) arrowroot (cornflour)
  2 Eggs
  1.5 Gm (1/2 tsp) kashmiri deghi mirch
  1.5 Gm (1/2 tsp) saunf (fennel) powder
  1.5 Gm (1/2 tsp) chotti elaichi (green cardamom) powder

10 1/4 Gm (1/2 tsp) zaafraan
-- (saffron)
10 ml (2 tsp) lemon juice

Erfasst 10.01.03 von Norbert Schleimer
Gepostet von: Nms

The chicken: Crush saffron threads with a pestle or the back of a
spoon, reserve in 15 ml (1 tbsp) of lukewarm water for 15 minutes and
then to make a paste.

Put milk and 120 ml (1/2 cup) of water in a handi (pan), add saffron,
fennel, green cardamom, clove, cinnamon, bay leaves and salt, bring to
a boil over medium heat, add chicken and poach until tender (10-12

Remove the chicken and keep aside. Strain the liquor into a separate
pan and reserve.

The batter: Reserve in water for two hours. Drain, transfer to a
blender, add the reserved liquor and grind into a smooth paste. Beat

Crush saffron threads with a pestle or the back of a spoon, reserve in
15 ml (1 tbsp) of lukewarm water for 15 minutes and then to make a

Put rice paste in a bowl; add the remaining ingredients and enough
water to make a batter of fritter (pakora) consistency.

Cooking: Heat oil in a kadai (wok) over medium heat; add a few drops of
the batter, as soon as the batter droplets come to the surface, dip the
chicken nuggets in the batter and deep fry until crisp and golden.
Remove to absorbent paper to drain the excess fat.

To serve : Arrange doily paper on a service platter, place the pakoras
on top and serve with Kashmiri radish chutney.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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