Bishop#s Cake

ZUTATEN: 500g (1 lb) whole shelled Brazil nuts
  12 Dates, pitted
  250g (8 oz) glace cherries, red and green mixed
  100g (3 ½ oz) plain flour
  0.5ts Baking powder
  0.5ts Salt
  175g (6 oz) caster sugar
  3 Eggs, beaten
  1ts Vanilla essence
   Icing sugar, for dredging

1. Heat the oven to 150°C (300°F), Gas Mark 2.

2. Grease a 21 x 11 cm (8 ½ x 4 ¼ inch) loaf tin. Line the base and
sides with greased greaseproof paper.

3. Put the nuts, whole dates and whole glace cherries into a large
mixing bowl. Sift the dry ingredients over them and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the eggs and vanilla. Stir well and spoon into the prepared

4. Bake for about 1 # hours or until a skewer inserted in the centre
comes out clean.

5. Remove from the tin, peel away the paper, and cool completely on a
wire rack. Wrap in aluminium foil and store in the refrigerator. It
will keep for up to 3 weeks.

6. Serve dredged with icing sugar.

INFO: An old English fruit cake that got its name from the stained
glass window because of the appearance of each slice. It is sometimes
known as American Christmas cake and it is more of a fruit and nut slab
than a cake. This cake should be stored in the refrigerator, and
wrapped in aluminium foil. As it is so sweet serve only thin slices; it
can be served with sherry.

Preparation time: 20 minutes. Cooking time: 1 # hours

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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