Preserved Lemons

  5 Lemons
  0.25 Becher Salt; more if desired
  1 Cinnamon stick
  3 x Cloves
  5 Coriander seeds (evtl. mehr)
  3 Black peppercorns (evtl. mehr)
  1 Bay leaf
   Freshly squeezed lemon juice

The author writes: "Preserved lemons, sold
-loose in the souks, are One of the indispensable ingredients of
Moroccan -cooking, used in Fragrant lamb and vegetables tagines,
recipes -for chicken with lemons And olives, and salads. Their unique
pickled -taste and special Silken texture cannot be duplicated with
fresh -lemon or lime juice, Despite what some food writers have said.
In -Morocco they are made With a mixture of fragrant-skinned doqq and
tart -boussera lemons, but I have had excellent luck with American
lemons -from Florida and California. "Moroccan Jews have a slightly
different -procedure for pickling, which Involves the use of olive oil,
but this recipe, -which includes Optional herbs (in the manner of
Safi), will -produce a trü Moroccan Preserved-lemon taste. "The
important thing in preserving lemons is to be certain they are
Completely covered with salted lemon juice.
-With my recipe you can Use the lemon juice over and over again. (As a
-matter of fact, I Keep a jar of used pickling juice in the kitchen,
-and when I make Bloody Marys or salad dressings and have a half -lemon
left over, I Toss it into the jar and let it marinate with -the rest.)
Use wooden Utensils to remove lemons as needed." "Sometimes you will
see a sort of lacy, white -substance clinging to Preserved lemons in
their jar; it is perfectly -harmless, but should be Rinsed off for
ästhetic reasons just before the -lemons are used. Preserved lemons
are rinsed, in any case, to rid -them of their salty Taste. Cook with
both pulps and rinds, if -desired." To make preserved lemons: If you
wish to soften -the peel, soak the Lemons in lukewarm water for 3 days,
changing -the water daily. Quarter the lemons from the top to within
1/2" -of the bottom, sprinkle Salt on the exposed flesh, and then
reshape the -fruit. Place 1 tb. salt on the bottom of a sterilized
-one-pint mason jar. Pack in the lemons and push them down, adding
-more salt, and the Optional spices, between layers. Press the -lemons
down to release Their juices and to make room for the remaining
-lemons. (If the Juice released from the squashed fruit dös not
-cover them, add Freshly squeezed lemon juice - not chemically
-produced lemon juice And not water.*) Leave some air space before
-sealing the jar. Let the lemons ripen in a warm place, shaking -the
jar each day to Distribute the salt and juice. Let ripen for 30 -days.
To use, rinse the lemons, as needed, under -running water, removing and
Discarding the pulp, if desired - and there is -no need to refrigerate
After opening. Preserved lemons will keep up to a year, and the
Pickling juice can be used two or three times -over the course of a
Year. According to the late Michael Field, the way to extract the
maximum Amount of juice from a lemon is to boil it in -water for 2 or 3
Minutes and allow it to cool before squeezing.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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