Roast Pork / Schweinebraten

  900g Pork shoulder or ham
  2 mittl. Onion
  3 Garlic Cloves
  2tb Caraway seeds
   Hot broth
   cold dark beer or icewater
Source:  Bavarian Cooking
   translated by Ilka Spiess

Wash and dry the meat and rub it with salt and coarse, freshly ground
pepper. Using a sharp knife, cut a diamond pattern into the rind.
Fill a roasting pan with approx. 1 in. water, and add the meat, with
the rind down.
Cut the onion into 1/5 in. rings, thinly slice the garlic cloves and
add to the meat. Sprinkle with caraway seeds.
Roast the meat in a preheated 480GradF oven for 1/2 hour, then turn it
around so that the rind is on top and continü to roast. Baste the
meat frequently, scraping up the juices sticking to the pan and
gradually adding some hot broth.
Total cooking time is approx, 1 1/2 hours. Toward the end of the
cooking time, brush the rind with cold, dark beer or cold water, to
make it crisp. The gravy should be brown and clear and should never
be bound with flour or starch: that would be a mortal sin in Bavaria!

** Gepostet von Ilka Spiess

Erfasser: Ilka

Datum: 14.11.1995

Stichworte: Meats, Pork, P1

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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