Shawarrma - Marinated Grilled Meat

  1kg Lean lamb; (leg) or beef
Marinade: 0.25tb Ground nutmeg
  0.25tb Ground cardamom
  0.25tb Ground cloves
  0.5tb Ground cinnamon
  0.5tb Black pepper
  4 Cloves garlic, crushed
  1 Onion, finely chopped
  50ml Lemon julce
  50ml Water
  25ml White vinegar
  25ml Olive oil
Erfasst Am 21.04.1999 Von:  Ilka Spiess
   Arabian Golf Cookbook

A common sight in the streets of the Middle East is the Shawarrma stand
where an electric rotisserie or revolving spit slowly cooks marinated
lamb or beef slices which are servedupastastysandwiches.
Since you are unlikely to have access to a rottisserie, here is a
modified recipe for homemade Shawarrma which can be cooked under the
grill at home.

1 . Slice the meat very thinly into circles about 12cm 2. Mix the
marinade ingredients together thoroughly and pour over the meat slices.
Leave in a covered container in the refrigerator overnight.

3. Remove the meat from the marinade and arrange the slices under the
grill. Grill, turning once, so that it is browned on both sides.

4. Cut the grilled meat into fine shreds and serve in the pouch of
half a loaf of Khubuz together with sliced tomatös and onions.

Variations: if you prefer you can cook the meat slowly in a greased
baking dish in the oven. Pour the marinade over the meat for extra

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