Sweet Potato Crisp

  2 unsalted butter
  0.5 Granny Smith apples; peeled, cored,
   quartered, and cut
   into 1/4-inch
  1.25 sweet potatös or yams; peeled and cut into
   thinly sliced
   rounds, about 1/8
   inch thick
  0.5 salt
  0.5 cinnamon
  0.25 freshly ground white pepper
  0.5 melted unsalted butter

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter ten, 3-inch nonstick tart
(If tart pans are not available, these can be arranged directly on a
baking tray.) In a 10-inch skillet, melt the 2 tablespoons butter.
Over medium-high heat, saute the apples until lightly caramelized, 6 to
8 minutes.

Place the sweet potatös in a medium bowl and season with salt,
cinnamon, and pepper. Pour 1/2 cup melted butter over and mix well. In
each tart pan, arrange a layer of potates in a circle, one slice
overlapping the other. Divide the apples equally, place on top, and
cover with the remaining potatös, again in a circle, one slice
overlapping the other.
Pour a little of the remaining 1/2 cup melted butter into each pan. For
easier handling, set the pans on a baking tray and bake until the
potatös are tender, lightly browned, and crispy, 30 to 35 minutes.
Invert the pans of potatös onto the baking tray and if the underside
has not browned, return to the oven for about 5 minutes longer. Serve

Serves 10 From Wolfgang Puck: Adventures in the Kitchen (Random House

Converted by Mcbuster.

Notes : From Chef and author Wolfgang Puck

Recipe by: Good Morning America

Converted by Mmbuster v2.0l.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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