Tabasco Wine

  8 Ripe (red) Tabasco chile peppers; bis 1/4 mehr
  450g Golden raisins, chopped or minced
  900g Finely granulated sugar
  1.5ts Acid blend
  0.5ts Pectic enzyme
   Water to one gallon
  1 Crushed Campden tablet
  1ts Yeast nutrient
   Pasteur Champagne Yeast

Wearing rubber gloves, wash Tabasco peppers and cut off stems. Place
peppers in blender or food chopper with 2 cups water and chop coarsely.
Separately, chop or mince raisins. Put raisins in nylon straining bag
and, over primary, pour chopped Tabascos in with raisins. Tie bag and
leave in primary. Add remaining ingredients except for pectic enzyme
and yeast. Stir well to dissolve sugar. Cover primary and set aside 12
hours. Add pectic enzyme, recover and set aside another 12 hours. Add
yeast and recover primary. Stir daily for 7 days. Wearing rubber
gloves, squeeze nylon bag. Transfer liquor to secondary and fit
Ferment to absolute dryness (45-60 days). Rack into clean secondary and
refit airlock. Rack twice more, 30 days apart. Wait final 30 days and
rack into bottles. Can use or drink immediately, but will age if you
add 1/8 tsp of tannin to ingredients.


Tabasco chiles are a strongly-pungent red pepper used to make Tabasco
Sauce. The small fruit are are rich in capsaicin, the compound
responsible for the "heat" in chiles. Like jalapenos, poblanos and
other chiles, Tabasco chiles can be made into in mildly to strongly
pungent cooking or marinade wine. The "hotness" of the wine will depend
on how many chiles are used to make it. The following recipe will yield
one gallon of mildly hot wine which can also be sipped. To make a "hot"
wine, double the number if chiles.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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