
  4.5kg Boneless pork butt
  5tb Salt
  1tb Pragü Powder
  5tb Cayenne pepper
  3tb Freshly ground black pepper
  3tb White pepper
  2tb Paprika
  2tb Cinnamon
  2tb Garlic powder

Tasso, a highly seasoned, intensely flavored smoked pork, adds a
wonderful flavor to a variety of dishes, from soups to jambalaya to
pastas and seafood dishes. Easily obtainable in Louisiana or by mail
order (see my sources link), but fun to make yourself.
Here is recipe:

Trim the pork of all excess fat and cut it into strips about 2 inch
thick and at least 4 inches long. Mix together the seasonings and place
in a shallow pan. Roll each strip of pork in the seasoning mixture and
place on a tray. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least a
couple of days, longer is better.
Prepare your smoker. Place the pork strips on a grill or rod and smoke
on low heat until done, 5-7 hours. Don't let the smoker get too hot.
Remove the meat and let it cool completely, then wrap well in plastic
and foil. The tasso will keep well in the refrigerator for at least a
month, and it also freezes very well.
You can also do it without Pragü Powder, but Sanitation will be dicey,
Texture, Color and Flavor Inferior. The Holding Quality will be reduced
to about a week, safely in the Fridge.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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