The real Wiener Schnitzel (cutlet)

  600g Fricandeau from calf made free of fat etc.
  2 Eggs
Origin:  E.Plachutta and Ch.Wagner The good kitchen
   The Austrian Century Cookbook
   typed in by Rene Gagnaux translated by S.Becker

The most asked questions and their answers:

[I do not translate this now - I have to look too often into my
dictionary ;-) Sb] Now the recipe:
Portion calf depending on the product with a simple or a folding cut.
Cut the borders in a little bit. Beat the cutlet very tender. Normally
it should be about 6 mm thick.

Salt the cutlets on both sides. Beat eggs with a fork (don't mix them).
Toss cutlets on both sides in flour, pull them through the eggs and
toss them in the breadcrumbs (press crumbs carefully against the
cutlets). Shake cutlets a little bit.

Heat plenty of fat (2 - 3 cm) in a fitting pan. Put the cutlets into
the hot fat, swing the pan to make the cutlets brown, use a meat fork
to toss the cutlets, let them bake ready and lift them out of the pan.
Let the cutlets drop out and put away the surplus fat with kitchen

Cooking time: 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the thickness.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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