Bobby Flay's Yucatan-Style Chicken Skewers With Grilled Pea

  1 Tas. Yucatan Marinade; (see below)
  9 skinless and boneless chicken thighs
  1md jicama; julienne
  36 wooden skewers; soaked in water for
   about 2 hours (6
  2 Tas. Grilled Peach salsa; (see below)
Yucatan Marinade: 0.25 Tas. fresh orange juice
  0.25 Tas. fresh lime juice
  2tb fresh lemon juice
  0.25 Tas. ancho chile powder
  2tb pasilla chile powder
  0.25 Tas. paprika
  1ts cayenne
  1ts freshly ground black pepper
  1ts salt
  0.25 Tas. olive oil
Grilled Peach Salsa: 4 peaches; cut in half, pit
   removed (skin left
  2tb olive oil; divided
  3tb finely chopped red onion
  1sm jalapeno; seed removed and
   finely chopped
  2tb balsamic vinegar
  0.25 Tas. coarsely chopped cilantro
  2tb mint chiffonade
   salt and freshly ground pepper

1) Rub the marinade into the chicken thighs. Cover the chicken and
refrigerate for 4 to 6 hours or overnight.

2) Prepare a charcoal or wood fire and let it burn to embers or preheat
the boiler.

3) Thread each piece of chicken onto 2 skewers so that the meat stays
flat on the grill. Grill for about 4 minutes on each side, or until
done to taste. For each serving, arrange 3 chicken thighs on a plate
with the jicama and the salsa *Makes 6 servings Yucatan Marinade: In
a food processor, combine all the ingredients except the olive oil and
process for 30 seconds. With the motor running, slowly add the olive
oil and process until emulsified. May be prepared 1 day ahead, covered
and refrigerated.

Makes 1 cup Grilled Peach Salsa:

Prepare a grill or preheat the broiler. Brush the side of the peaches
w/ 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. And place cut side down on the grill
and grill peaches until they caramelize, but still hold their shape,
3-4 minutes. Remove the peaches and cut into 1/2 inch cubes. Place the
peaches in a medium bowl and toss with the rest of the ingredients and
the remaining 1 tablespoon. of olive oil - season w/ salt and pepper.
Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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