Gingered Halibut And Prawns - Jhinga Machi

  4md Onions, chopped
  6tb Oil
  225g Halibut fillet
  5 cm Fresh root ginger
  225g Peeled cooked prawns
  3 Green chillies, finely chopped
  1ts Ground black pepper
  2 Green chillies; to garnish

This dish takes about 1 hour to prepare.

Fry the onions in the oil. When they are transparent, remove
threequarters of them from the pan and set aside. Continü frying the
remaining onions until they are golden brown, then remove the pan from
the heat.

Skin the fish if you like, then cut it into 2.5-cm chunks and finely
slice the ginger. Spread the lightly cooked onions in the base of an
ovenproof casserole dish and top with the ginger. Mix the prawns, fish
and salt to taste and arrange the mixture over the ginger.

Sprinkle the finely chopped chillies and ground black pepper over the
fish and top with the browned onions with any oil from the pan.
Cover the casserole and bake in a moderate oven 180°C for 45 minutes.

The cooked dish will be fairly hot, with a sweet flavour from the
onions and the zesty aroma of ginger. Serve immediately. Garnish with
green chillies, cut lengthways into Strips.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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