Falafel Für Petra

Durchschnittliche Bewertung für Falafel Für Petra

  400ml Dried fava beans (dried broad beans) or chick pe
  1md Onion,finely chopped
  2 Cloves garlic, crushed
  100ml Parsley, finely chopped
  1 Egg, beaten
  0.5ts Cumin
  1ts Coriander
  0.25ts Cayenne pepper (optional)
  1ts Bicarbonate of soda
   Salt black pepper
Erfasst Am 17.02.00 Von:  Ilka Spiess

1. Soak the fava beans or chick-peas in cold water overnight. Drain
well. If the fava beans are not the skinless variety, remove skins.
Skin may be left an chick-peas.

2. Mash to a fine paste using a mincer with a fine blade or an electric
blender. (Traditionally this was done with mortar and pestle).

3. Add the egg, garlic, onion, parsley, cumin, coriander, salt and
pepper together with the bicarbonate of soda and cayenne if desired.
Mix well. Put it through the mincer or blender again.

4. Leave this mixture to stand for 30 minutes, preferably in the
refrigerator, (This will make it easier to shape).

5. Shape the mixture into small balls about 2.5cm (1 inch) and then
flatten them slightly between your hands. Dust with flour.

6. Heat oil in a deep pan and fry a few of the balls at a time, turning
them until golden brown and crisp all over (about 5 minutes).
Drain an paper towels.

7. Serve hot with Taratur bi Tahini, Dukkous al Tamat, (see page 155
salad or pickles or inside a split Khubuz with sauce and salad.

Cooking time. 5 minutes per batch

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: 0.71 Stern(e)

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