
  2 Tasse/n Lukewarm (110°F) water
  1tb Malted barley extract
  1tb Or packet active dry yeast
  5 To 6 cups King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
  1tb Salt
  1 Egg beaten with 2 teaspoons water
   Sesame seeds, poppy seeds or other topping

Bagels can be made from any bread dough. In fact, the easiest way to
begin is to start with a batch of our Hearth Bread dough.
In a large bowl, dissolve the malted barley extract in the lukewarm
water. Add the yeast and two cups of flour. Let work for about 10
minutes, or until the mixture is expanded and bubbly. Add the salt,
then an additional 3 cups of flour. When the dough begins to hold
together and pull away from the sides of the bowl, it's ready to knead.
Turn it out onto a kneading surface where you've sprinkled another 1/2
cup of flour. Knead the dough for 3 to 4 minutes, then let the dough
rest while you clean and grease your bowl. Knead an additional 3 to 4
minutes, adding additional flour if necessary, until the dough is
smooth, elastic and no longer sticky. Form the dough into a ball and
place in the greased bowl, turning to coat all sides. Cover the bowl
with a damp towel or piece of plastic wrap and set it somewhere cozy
(no drafts) until it has doubled in bulk, 1 to 2 hours.

Shaping After the first rising, punch down the dough and, on a
wellfloured board with a well-floured rolling pin, roll it out to about
1/2 inch in thickness. There are several ways to form bagels.
Experiment and pick whatever method suits your fancy.
Cut strips about 3/4 inch wide by 6 or 7 inches long. Pinch the two
ends together, moistening the ends with water to help them stick.
Unless you seal them well, they tend to come apart as you cook them.
Cut them out with large and small cookie cutters (or try our set of
nested biscuit cutters ). If you don't have the appropriate sizes,
small coffee or large tuna sized cans will work for the outside, and a
small juice or other can (even a film cannister with a hole punched in
the end to relieve pressure) will work for the inside. Take a piece of
dough slightly larger than a golf ball, poke a hole through it with
your finger, enlarge it a bit, and twirl the dough around your finger
on your floured surface until the hole is an inch or so in diameter.

Boiling: Let the formed bagels rest for 15 minutes or longer,
while you preheat your oven to 450°F. After 10 minutes or so, begin
heating a large saucepan containing about 3 inches of water. Add a
tablespoon of malt extract if you want a shiny shell, or add a
tablespoon of salt if you want a slightly salty surface. Just before
the bagels are ready to cook -- they should have risen somewhat --
bring the water to a full boil and then turn it down so it's still
bubbling gently, but not rolling.
This keeps the action of the boil from deflating the bagel dough.
Carefully slip 2 or 3 bagels into the water, making sure you give them
enough room to expand. Keep the water at a simmer.
After 1 minute, flip them over gently and continü cooking them 3 more
minutes. While the bagels are simmering, grease a baking sheet.

Baking: At the end of 3 minutes, lift the bagels carefully out
of the water with a slotted spatula or spoon, and place them on the
greased cookie sheet very gently, to keep them from deflating. Repeat
with remaining bagels. Slide bagels into the oven and bake them for 10
minutes. At this point you can safely brush them with the egg wash and
sprinkle sesame or poppy seeds on them. Bake the bagels 8 to 10 minutes
more (18 to 20 minutes altogether), turning them over 4 to 5 minutes
before they're done. Cool them on a wire rack.


Egg Bagels: To make a classic bagel, make up a batch of Hearth
Bread dough, replacing the 2 cups water with 2 extra-large eggs (equals
1/2 cup liquid) and 1 1/2 cups water in which you've boiled potatös.

Any Bread Dough Bagels: Use any yeasted bread dough flavored any
way you want for a whole variety of bagels. Sprinkle on chopped onion
or garlic, or caraway or dill seeds, or whatever you want to bring out
or add to the flavor of the dough.

"Bagins": These are just bagels with the holes left in. The
Sands' son, Davis, devised this English muffin/bagel hybrid to maximize
the surface that cream cheese or other yummy things can be spread on.

Bagels are a bit tricky to make, but there's something about doing it
successfully that gives one a sense of victory. And any small victory
these days is bound to lift your spirits. This recipe reprinted from
King Arthur Flour's Baking Sheet, Vol. III, No. 4, March-April 1992.

Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung: Bisher keine Bewertungen

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