Chili Powder Gary

  60g Dried ancho chiles
  120g Dried red New Mexican chiles to add some heat toasted and ground
  6tb Granulated garlic
  4tb Ground Mexican oregano
  4tb Hot Hungarian paprika

The chiles should be toasted before grinding. There are two ways to go
about this. The method I use is to toast the chiles a few at a time on
a hot cast iron griddle for about 1 minute, turning frequently until
they soften and are lightly toasted. Be careful not to let the chiles
burn, or they will have a bitter taste.
You can also toast the chiles in an oven. Preheat the oven to 300
degrees F. Break off the stems and remove the seeds from the chiles and
lay them on a baking sheet arranged in a single layer.
Place the pan in the oven. Place the cumin seeds in a small pan and
place them in the oven as well. Since the chile de arbol are small
chiles, they will be toasted first. Remove them and the cumin seeds
after 4 or 5 minutes. Toast the larger pods another 4 or 5 minutes.
They should be well dried. When the chiles are cool, break them into
pieces and grind into a fine powder using a spice grinder or coffee
mill. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Store in a jar. Use
this chili powder for making chile or as an ingredient in spice rubs
for barbecuing. Add your own personalized touch by experimenting with
different types of chiles. You'll never use that supermarket stuff

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