Flour, Bromating, Bleaching


Wheat flour is naturally yellowish, but people apparently don't like
yellow flour, except for the semolina used in pasta-making, which isn't
usually bleached. Yellow bread and snow-white pasta wouldn't sell very

If given half a chance, though, flour bleaches itself. That is, as it
ages in air, the yellow color is oxidized away. But that takes time and
time is money, so manufacturers speed up the process by using an
oxidizing or bleaching agent such as potassium bromate (in which case
the flour is said to be brominated), chlorine dioxide or benzoyl

These bleaching agents are not mere cosmetics. Flour that has been
"aged," either naturally or by being treated with oxidizers, makes
doughs that handle better and produce better bread.

Unbleached flour generally costs more than bleached flour because it
has been whitened by natural aging, which entails the costs of storage.

Some people are concerned with the intimidating natures of these
chemicals. But they are all unstable and, after doing their jobs, do
not remain in the flour.

The bromate, after reacting with the yellow compounds in the flour, is
converted into harmless bromide. Chlorine dioxide is a gas that
dissipates, so there is none of that left in the flour either. Any
excess of benzoyl peroxide would (theoretically) decompose as soon as
the flour is heated.


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