Jennie Grossinger's Knishes

DOUGH: 2.5 Tasse/n Sifted flour
  1ts Baking powder
  0.5ts Salt
  2 Eggs
  0.666667 Tasse/n Salad oil
  2tb Water
POTATO KNISHES: 1 Tasse/n Chopped onions
  6tb Chicken fat or
  2 Tasse/n Mashed potatös
  1 Egg
  1ts Salt
  0.25ts Pepper
CHEESE KNISHES: 1.5 Tasse/n Diced scallions or onions
  4tb Butter
  2 Tasse/n Pot cheese
  1 Egg
  1.5ts Salt
  0.125ts Pepper
  2tb Sour cream
MEAT KNISHES: 0.5 Tasse/n Minced onions
  2tb Chicken fat
  1.5 Tasse/n Ground cooked meat
  0.5 Tasse/n Cooked rice
  1 Egg
  1ts Salt
  0.25ts Pepper
CHICKEN KNISHES: 1.5 Tasse/n Ground cooked chicken
  0.75 Tasse/n Mashed potatös
  1 Egg
  1ts Salt
  0.25ts Pepper
POTATO-DOUGH KNISHES: 0.25 Tasse/n Minced onions
  6tb Chicken fat or butter
  4 Tasse/n Mashed potatös
  0.5 Tasse/n Potato flour
  3 Eggs
  1ts Salt
  0.25ts Pepper

Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Make a well in the
center and drop the eggs, oil and water into it. Work into the flour
mixture with the hand and knead until smooth. There are two ways to
fill the knishes. In either case, divide the dough in two and roll as
thin as possible. Brush with oil. Now you can spread the filling on one
side of the dough and roll it up, like a jelly roll. Cut into 1 1/2
inch slices.

Here's the basics, fillings follow.

Potato: Brown the onions in the fat or butter. Beat in the potatös,
egg, salt and pepper until fluffy.

Cheese: Scallions are better than onions for this, so try to get them.
Brown the scallions in the butter and beat in the cheese, egg, salt,
pepper and sour cream until smooth.

Meat: Lightly brown the onions in the fat. Add the meat, rice, egg,
salt and pepper, mixing until smooth.

Chicken: Mix all the ingredients until smooth.

And finally, the classic Potato Dough: Brown the onions in 4
tablespoons chicken fat or butter.
Cool. Knead together the remaining fat or butter, the pota- tös,
potato flour, eggs, salt and pepper. Break off pieces (about 2 inches
long) and flatten slightly. Place a teaspoon of browned onions on each
and cover by pinching the edges together. Place on a greased baking
sheet. Bake in a 375 degree oven 25 minutes. Makes about 20. Place in
an oiled baking sheet cut side down. Press down lightly to flatten. Or
you can cut the rolled dough in 3 inch circles. Place a tablespoon of
the filling on each; draw the edges together and pinch firmly. Place on
an oiled baking sheet, pinched edges up. In either case, bake in a 375
degree oven 35 minutes or until browned. Makes about 24.

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