Mustard Fish - Machurian

  4ts Mustard Seeds
  1 Prise/n Turmeric
  575g Plaice fillets; cut into strips
  4 Green chillies
  25g Butter
  3 Curry leaves; cut into slivers
  150ml Water

This dish requires 2 hours soaking time and it takes about 45 minutes
to prepare. Soak 3 teaspoons of the mustard seeds in cold water for 2
hours. Sprinkle the turmeric and salt to taste over the fish and set

Grind the soaked seeds and half the chillies to a fine paste. Melt the
butter in a frying pan. Add the remaining mustard seeds, salt and curry
leaves and stir well. Place the strips of fish in the pan, cook
briefly, then gently turn them over to seal both sides.

Mix the mustard seed paste with the water and pour this over the fish.
Cook gently until the liquid is reduced by half-about 10 minutes - then
cover the pan and leave over a very low heat for a few minutes before

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